Thursday 3 September 2015

How to Improve SPaG Test Results

Spelling Tutor is a personalised, structured program which teaches around 90% of the words we use every day - the first 1,000 high frequency words, and all the words in the 2014 Spelling Curriculum.

Click here to begin your free trial now.

The program is designed to be used on any mac, computer, iPad or tablet by children for 10 minutes daily (they also need a mini whiteboard/ scrap paper to write on).

Spelling Tutor is the only intervention to use spaced repetition to commit the word to long term memory and recognises the importance of linking spelling to handwriting.
It places words in sentences to aid vocabulary understanding and reinforces spelling rules and patterns, explaining them to the pupil. The program is flexible, allowing the teacher to add words if required.

"I have been using Spelling Tutor for a term with seven year 5 children, who had very poor spelling. They program takes 10 minutes a day, and the spellings were personalised for each pupil. After playing Spelling Tutor every school day for a term the average spelling age increase was 16 months! But also their confidence in their daily written work grew, which was lovely to see."
- Tanya Costa, Y5 teacher, Whitehall Junior School

How it works:

  • A personal list of words is created from the pupil's mistakes.
  • These words are tested again and again, with larger and larger gaps between each test, which transfers the spelling from short term to long term memory
  • This innovative program asks pupils to write sentences and words from dictation, because writing is the best way to learn spelling.
  • The pupil then marks their own work, which further reinforces the correct spelling and encourages them to take ownership for their own learning.

Research shows spaced repetition works because children more easily remember things when they are studied a few times spaced over a long time span rather than repeatedly studied in a short space of time. This is why learning words for an end of week spelling test often doesn't improve spelling. The words are soon forgotten. Whereas with spaced repetition the words are transferred from short term to long term memory.

Spelling Tutor is different because you only practise the words you get wrong. The more you get them wrong, the more often they are shown to you. With Spelling Tutor you never need to tell the program you have finished learning these words and want the next list. It uses the spaced repetition algorithm to determine when to test a word. Then every day it adds a few new words to the list you are learning.

The pricing differs depending on how many pupils you want to cater to:

Before you purchase the licences you will have the chance to conduct a 2 week free trial to see if the program is right for you and your school.

Ref: 505-50305-47

Schools & educational establishments can

To Order:

By phone: (01604) 870 828
By fax: (01604) 870 986
By email:
By post: Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP
By the website:

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